Timur Khutov
Head of Criminal Law Practice
A lawyer’s dream client: how he/she looks like

Issue: another wide spread problem typically looks like this: a lawyer offers a client a particular course of action and gives reasons why such course of action is the ultimate one under the given circumstances. However, it seems to the client that the voiced algorithm is not suitable to him, and starts to explain to the attorney what and how should be done, tells Timur Khutov, Head of Criminal Law Practice, BMS Law Firm.

Solution: Khutov advises to describe to the client the upsides and downsides of each of the chosen scenarios. If the client still firmly intends to implement his ideas into reality, but with your hands, it is recommended to refuse from such format of collaboration, the lawyer says: “We’ve got a rule that if a client approaches us, it is our mission to advise what is to be done and how it is to be done, and not visa versa”.